Victory over Covid -19:: Wait till Vaccine?

Amit Samant
2 min readOct 25, 2020

Most experts one talks to feel that this damned Covid 19 which has claimed so many unnecessary lives will end only once an effective vaccine is available for all. While theoretically I agree with this, I very strongly feel that this virus — like most other environmental tragedies we face, has been like a BIG mirror to the arrogant and self-centered human race which refuses to learn from history.

This covid spreads largely from face to face contact. How many of us -despite knowing this, think about those around us when we step out. Am I taking care to ensure that FIRST those around me are safe from ME? No this thinking is not natural to us at all. For evolution has built a defence mechanism in us which makes us extremely SELF CENTERED both when we are very fearful or very joyful (like many of us feel when we are out in the open after months of lock-down)!

Hence this virus is a huge character test for you and I. Can we overcome years of apathy and selfishness and TRULY care for others BEFORE we care for outselves? Especially for the young-they know they are not so much at risk. But how about our elders and the vulnerable? As a society do we have the maturity to care for them? To take steps to ensure this virus dies out due to lack of EASY and STUPID super spreaders?

Funny thing is that STUPIDITY is not the preserve of any race, religion or income group! STUPID and arrogant are everywhere! So maye its time for us not to just fine those not wearing masks and not keep social distancing — but to actually make them do community service in Covid hospitals! Such a threat can act as a great deterrant and also provide us adequate help in Covid hospitals!

What do you think? Implement this HONESTLY and in 3 months Covid might disappear!



Amit Samant

An MNC Banker living in Mumbai - US educated - writes about life and its peculiarities. Personal finance, philosophy and politics fav muses.